Flight Simulation

Immersive pilot training and realistic flight scenarios with the best of modern simulation technology.
We bring the sky to you in the safety of the ground.

Flight Simulation

Immersive pilot training and realistic flight scenarios with the best of modern simulation technology.

We bring the sky to you in the safety of the ground.

Aerosim is the best flight simulator on the market, and it is supported by the top-rated tech agencies and statutory bodies to show for it!

Flight Simulation Experience

Aerosim’s flight simulation experience offers participants an opportunity to take the captain’s seat and experience the way airline cadet pilots train and what it’s like to soar through the sky in our state-of-the-art flight simulator


Experience 1: Checkerboard Challenge: 1 Hour (Price: HKD 880)

  • Familiarisation with airline’s standard operating procedure
  • Flying practice over Victoria Harbour
  • Landing challenge at Kai Tak Airport

Experience 2: Maiden Flight: 30 Mins (Price: HKD 580)

  • Familiarisation with airline’s standard operating procedure
  • Flying practice over Sydney Harbour
  • Landing at Sydeny Airport


State-Of-The-Art Flight Simulator

Aerosim’s flight simulator, Aero Cadet, is a replica of an airline training aircraft, Diamond DA 40. It offers the highest fidelity to the real cockpit

Highly Realistic Flight Simulation Scenery

The flight simulation allows the participants to operate in multiple locations over the world and experience what it’s like to landing in the most challenging airports and fly in extreme weather

International Standard Training Program

Benefit from our top-grade training program run according to international standards for aviation cadet training. You also get internationally recognized certification to work in aviation anywhere.
Benefit from our top-grade training program run according to international standards for aviation cadet training. You also get internationally recognized certification to work in aviation anywhere.

Tailored flight experience

Reasonably adjustable flight training experience. With our add-on flight table and customizable simulated cockpit, enjoy flight training in conditions favorable to you.

Varied training experience

Perfect your navigation skills in a broad variety of weather conditions, and load factors.

You also learn to navigate any kind of plane under the relevant ranges of load factors.

Training for the rainy day

Flight training for all known crash and equipment failure scenarios. Learn emergency procedures for any eventuality on the ground and in flight.

Immersive training sims

Get top-quality training with our immersive and realistic training sims, replicated training aircraft panel design, avionics system, and G1000 glass cockpit system.

With our replica of the GFC 700 flight director/autopilot, you can master autopilot aviation.

Group training conditions

Quality aviation training and tutorship in interactive groups. Speed up your learning through the mutual exchange of insights.

Seamless digital learning and assessment

Avail yourself of our unlimited digital learning resources. Our digital learning platform allows you to evaluate your training thus far and review your learning outcomes.

Seamless student performance evaluation to help you adjust training pace and effort.

International Standard Training Program

Benefit from our top-grade training program run according to international standards for aviation cadet training.
You also get internationally recognized certification to work in aviation anywhere.

Tailored flight experience

Reasonably adjustable flight training experience. With our add-on flight table and customizable simulated cockpit, enjoy flight training in conditions favorable to you.

Varied training experience

Perfect your navigation skills in a broad variety of weather conditions, and load factors.

You also learn to navigate any kind of plane under the relevant ranges of load factors.

Training for the rainy day

Flight training for all known crash and equipment failure scenarios. Learn emergency procedures for any eventuality on the ground and in flight.

Immersive training sims

Get top-quality training with our immersive and realistic training sims, replicated training aircraft panel design, avionics system, and G1000 glass cockpit system.

With our replica of the GFC 700 flight director/autopilot, you can master autopilot aviation.

Group training conditions

Quality aviation training and tutorship in interactive groups. Speed up your learning through the mutual exchange of insights.

Seamless digital learning and assessment

Avail yourself of our unlimited digital learning resources. Our digital learning platform allows you to evaluate your training thus far and review your learning outcomes.

Seamless student performance evaluation to help you adjust training pace and effort.

Client Testimonial

Aspiring aviators often complain about problems with getting their first job. This owes to the paradox of needing flight experience to get the job while needing the job to get flight experience. However, Aerosim has a solution for you. Let a satisfied client testify.

I recommend the Aerosim flight simulation training for every aspiring pilot. My colleague and I tried their program last year. With the quality training we received and the industry personnel we met, getting into the aviation industry was no problem at all.


Demystify some of the common questions around
aviation and career in aviation.

You don’t need any prior experience to handle a flight sim. The underlying assumption of flight training with simulation tech is that the cadet is anywhere between completely inexperienced and just rusty. In any case, our program includes preliminary theoretical lessons for students to learn what they need to know before entering the simulation.

No it won’t, but it will help you familiarize the cockpit and controls so that when you do your 40 hours of flight time, you’ll have a much easier time.

There are many reasons why a flight simulation is preferable to training with a real aircraft. For one, training in a simulation eliminates any risks that may come with training in a real aircraft while inexperienced. 

Simulations are also very flexible. You can run a near unlimited number of scenarios in a simulation, thus gaining a more robust training experience. To acquire training in a real aircraft, there is only a limited availability in Hong Kong to do so. 

Finally, simulations are more affordable both for the training body and the cadet, and with the ultra-realistic sims, the quality of training remains intact.

It is possible to get motion sickness in a flight simulator, especially with moving flight simulation training devices. It’s called FSTD sickness.

It may not always be avoidable, but you can significantly reduce it. It is generally recommended that you avoid getting in the sim when fatigued or upset in the stomach. You should also endeavor to take only light refreshments before entering the sim. Additionally, you should maintain hydration, proper ventilation, and temperature control. Any abrupt altitude changes, head movements, and imbalances in flight should also be avoided.